Hello, Everyone!
Today I’d like to comment on a show I saw last week. I found mention of this show by chance- it was mentioned in an email I got from the National Quilters Circle (I’m a member). I’m glad I stumbled upon the broadcast; the show impacted me personally regarding the diversity of quilters in every way you could imagine.
The show was on PBS and is called Craft in America Quilts. (I apologize, I couldn’t find out if this show is part of a series because the internet and I are not really friends. I’m so glad I have Bryne in my life- he’s my research guru.)
The show introduced us to four different quilters. These individuals told us about themselves and what drives them as quilters; their inspiration and motivation for a quilt and the creative and physical process of making it. These four precious souls (three women, one man) were from completely different walks of life with very unique and personal stories of their quilting journey through life.
Their stories impacted me very personally. When I make a quilt it evokes emotion in me. When I finished my Patriotic Quilt top this past May I cried when I looked at it. Seeing that show, hearing those stories, we all have the same desires and building blocks driving us. A desire to take cloth and thread and turn it into something else; an item that allows us to express ourselves, our message, and life. An item that we want others to see and enjoy; an item that talks to others just as it speaks to the creator.
Funny enough, this morning’s episode of Sunday Morning (on CBS) had a story about competitive table setting. I’d seen these displays at State Fairs (bear with me, the point is coming) and this story was great. My details might be off- the Los Angeles County Fair and a woman who has won Best of Show for her table- for like 10 years! Among those competitors they look to her as the standard- the person you have to beat. The point is, this gal’s passion about her table, her excitement from her theme idea through to the moment another Best of Show ribbon was pinned on her display, she is the person I described above. To create something beautiful and have others enjoy it too- that’s what it’s all about!
What’s your quilting story? What drives your creation? Shoot me an email, please share!
Until next time- find some time to sew!